What are neural networks?

An intuitive introduction to Neural Networks

In this session, Prof. Dr. Robin Cowan will give is an intuitive introduction to neural networks. He has also prepared an exercise using data from SHARE, the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe. Please watch his video-lesson to get the intuition behind neural network algorithms and you can then follow policy-relevant application: predicting income-vulnerable older people in Europe.

Why would being able to predict what will make an older person struggle financially be policy-relevant?

This is a discussion point that you can explore. But you might want to investigate what the average old-age pension is in some European countries, and what the average cost of living is. After working for more than half of your life, I’m sure you’d like to live comfortably…

R practical

As always, start by opening the libraries that you’ll need to reproduce the script below.

Unfortunately, we are unable to share the dataset ourselves. However, if you wish to replicate this exercise at home (and use one of the many target variables that Robin has proposed to see how our model fares for those), you can request access to the dataset by creating an account with SHARE. You’ll need to specify this is for learning purposes, but you won’t be denied it.

rm(list = ls()) # this line cleans your Global Environment.

setwd("/Users/michellegonzalez/Documents/GitHub/Machine-Learning-for-Public-Policy") # set your working directory

# do not forget to install neuralnet and scales, which are packages we haven't used before
library(tidyverse) # our favourite data wrangling ackagy 
library(neuralnet) # a package specific for neural networks
library(scales)    # to control the appearance of axis and legend labels
library(skimr)     # dataset summary

# import data
## Notice that we're using the load() function, this is because the dataset is in .rda format, the standard R dataset format

##  Put it into a structure with an easy name, the remove the original
z <- easySHARE_rel8_0_0

You can explore the dataset now (and refer to the SHARE website if you have any questions about the variables).

##   [1] "mergeid"          "hhid"             "coupleid"        
##   [4] "wave"             "wavepart"         "int_version"     
##   [7] "int_year"         "int_month"        "country"         
##  [10] "country_mod"      "language"         "female"          
##  [13] "dn002_mod"        "dn003_mod"        "dn004_mod"       
##  [16] "age"              "birth_country"    "citizenship"     
##  [19] "iv009_mod"        "q34_re"           "isced1997_r"     
##  [22] "eduyears_mod"     "mar_stat"         "hhsize"          
##  [25] "partnerinhh"      "int_partner"      "age_partner"     
##  [28] "gender_partner"   "mother_alive"     "father_alive"    
##  [31] "siblings_alive"   "ch001_"           "ch021_mod"       
##  [34] "ch007_hh"         "ch007_km"         "sp002_mod"       
##  [37] "sp003_1_mod"      "sp003_2_mod"      "sp003_3_mod"     
##  [40] "sp008_"           "sp009_1_mod"      "sp009_2_mod"     
##  [43] "sp009_3_mod"      "books_age10"      "maths_age10"     
##  [46] "language_age10"   "vaccinated"       "childhood_health"
##  [49] "sphus"            "chronic_mod"      "casp"            
##  [52] "euro1"            "euro2"            "euro3"           
##  [55] "euro4"            "euro5"            "euro6"           
##  [58] "euro7"            "euro8"            "euro9"           
##  [61] "euro10"           "euro11"           "euro12"          
##  [64] "eurod"            "bfi10_extra_mod"  "bfi10_agree_mod" 
##  [67] "bfi10_consc_mod"  "bfi10_neuro_mod"  "bfi10_open_mod"  
##  [70] "hc002_mod"        "hc012_"           "hc029_"          
##  [73] "maxgrip"          "adlwa"            "adla"            
##  [76] "iadla"            "iadlza"           "mobilityind"     
##  [79] "lgmuscle"         "grossmotor"       "finemotor"       
##  [82] "recall_1"         "recall_2"         "orienti"         
##  [85] "numeracy_1"       "numeracy_2"       "bmi"             
##  [88] "bmi2"             "smoking"          "ever_smoked"     
##  [91] "br010_mod"        "br015_"           "ep005_"          
##  [94] "ep009_mod"        "ep011_mod"        "ep013_mod"       
##  [97] "ep026_mod"        "ep036_mod"        "co007_"          
## [100] "thinc_m"          "income_pct_w1"    "income_pct_w2"   
## [103] "income_pct_w4"    "income_pct_w5"    "income_pct_w6"   
## [106] "income_pct_w7"    "income_pct_w8"
## and how big it is
## [1] 412110    107
# ==== we can also use our trusted skimr package ==== #
# skim(z)
# =================================================== # 

# Remember to take out the hashtag to print the command! 

  1. Data Preparation

Now we are going to clean up some things in the data to make it useful.

  • Select a subset of the countries: Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Poland. These are identified in the data with numbers:

       Spain 724; France 250; Italy 380; Germany 276; NL 528; Poland 616
countries <- c(724, 250, 380, 276, 528, 616)
  • In the dataset, negative numbers indicate some kind of missing data, so we will replace them with NA (R-speak for missing values).

  • We then select years since 2013 (let’s focus on the most recent cohorts)

  • Restrict our data to observations that have certain qualities: we want people who are retired (ep005 ==1).

z1 <- z %>%
        filter(country_mod %in% countries )%>% # this line subsets the z dataset to only the countries we're interested in (expressed in the line above)
        mutate(across(everything(), function(x){replace(x, which(x<0), NA)})) %>% # this line replaces all values across the entire dataframe that are less than 0 to NA (missing)
        filter(int_year >=2013) %>% # now we're subsetting the dataset to the years 2013 and after
        filter(ep005_ == 1) # and finally, keeping only people old enought for retirement

At this point you should have decreased the number of observation by 366431 (new obs. = 45679). z1 now contains a cleaner version of the dataset (feel free to delete z)

PS. The following symbols %>% are called pipe operators. They belong to the dplyr packaged, which is masked within the tidyverse. They allow you to indicate a series of actions to do to the object in a sequence, just as above.

Now let’s create some variables for our model

## Create the variable migrant  
## change the nature of married to a dummy variable
## change the nature of our vaccination variable to zero or 1

z1 <- z1 %>%         
  mutate(migrant = ifelse(birth_country==country,0,1)) %>%
  mutate(married=ifelse((mar_stat==1 | mar_stat==2),1,0))%>%

At this point we should have 109 variables (because we created two new variables and rewrote 1.

Select the variables we want in the analysis

To access the full survey with variable definitions, here’s a link to the PDF in English.

## get rid of crazy income values (the people with high income are not not part of our population of interest (regular folks who need to save for retirement))

## and make our dependent variable (co007, which is whether the household struggles to make ends meet) a factor
z1 <- z1 %>% 
        dplyr::select(female,age,married,hhsize,vaccinated,books_age10,maths_age10,language_age10,childhood_health,migrant,eduyears_mod,co007_,thinc_m,eurod,country_mod,iv009_mod) %>%
        filter(thinc_m < 100000)%>% # people earning above 100,000 are excluded 
        mutate(co007_ = as.factor(co007_)) 

What is our target variable?

In the English Questionnaire of the SHARE dataset, the variable asks:

Thinking of your household's total monthly income, would you say that your household is able to make ends meet... (Income struggle)

(the possible answers include: )

    1. With great difficulty

    2. With some difficulty 

    3. Fairly easily 

    4. Easily

Let’s work with this variable to turn this into a classification problem.

##  aggregate income struggle variable into 2 categories and add to our data
z1$co007_mod <- z1$co007_ # here we're just creating a duplicate of the co007_ variable but with a different name

# it's usually a good idea to manipulate a duplicated variable in case you make a mistake and need to call on the original/untransformed data again

z1$co007_mod[z1$co007_ %in% c(1,2)] <- 1 # if the values in var z1$co007_ are 1 or 2, transform them into 1, store this in our new z1$co007_mod variable

z1$co007_mod[z1$co007_ %in% c(3,4)] <- 2 # if the values in var z1$co007_ are 3 or 4, transform them into 2, store this in our new z1$co007_mod variable

## change the way to factor is defined to have only 2 levels
z1$co007_mod <- as.factor(as.integer(z1$co007_mod))

Now we have a variable that indicates whether a household struggles (1) or doesn’t struggle (2) to make ends meet.

A different dependent variable could just be income. To make that sensible we make income bands (or ‘bins’): var thinc_m directly asks annual salary.

# we're creating quartiles (to which income quartile do you belong, given your annual salary? the lowest? the highest?)
z1$inc_bin = cut(z1$thinc_m,quantile(z1$thinc_m,breaks=c(0,0.25,0.5,075,1),na.rm=T))

We won’t work with the inc_bin (classification) variable, but it’s there if you wish to challenge yourself to create a neural network model for it.

Cleaning missing values (recall ML needs a full dataset)

## get rid of any observation that contains NA
## [1] 7877
#You can get a glimpse of which variables have the most missing values with the skim() function
Data summary
Name z1
Number of rows 45163
Number of columns 18
Column type frequency:
factor 3
numeric 15
Group variables None

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
co007_ 0 1.00 FALSE 6 3: 15218, 4: 14852, 2: 10986, 1: 3403
co007_mod 0 1.00 FALSE 4 4: 30070, 3: 14389, 1: 482, 2: 222
inc_bin 7877 0.83 FALSE 4 (8.: 11313, (2.: 11291, (1.: 11268, (-1: 3414

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
female 0 1 0.47 0.50 0 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.0 ▇▁▁▁▇
age 0 1 73.23 7.96 -15 67.10 72.30 78.80 103.3 ▁▁▁▇▂
married 0 1 0.71 0.46 0 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.0 ▃▁▁▁▇
hhsize 0 1 2.02 0.88 1 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.0 ▇▁▁▁▁
vaccinated 0 1 0.33 0.47 0 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.0 ▇▁▁▁▃
books_age10 0 1 -6.13 7.27 -13 -13.00 -11.00 1.00 5.0 ▇▁▁▃▃
maths_age10 0 1 -5.84 7.67 -15 -13.00 -11.00 3.00 5.0 ▇▁▁▁▆
language_age10 0 1 -5.92 7.69 -15 -13.00 -11.00 3.00 5.0 ▇▁▁▁▆
childhood_health 0 1 -7.61 7.41 -15 -13.00 -13.00 2.00 6.0 ▇▁▁▁▃
migrant 0 1 1.00 0.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0 ▁▁▇▁▁
eduyears_mod 0 1 8.53 7.61 -15 7.00 10.00 13.00 25.0 ▁▁▆▇▁
thinc_m 0 1 20951.10 17498.55 -10 8911.31 18512.19 29900.86 99829.1 ▇▅▂▁▁
eurod 0 1 -0.20 5.86 -15 0.00 1.00 3.00 12.0 ▃▁▆▇▁
country_mod 0 1 439.69 186.16 250 276.00 380.00 616.00 724.0 ▇▃▁▂▃
iv009_mod 0 1 3.14 3.23 -15 3.00 4.00 5.00 5.0 ▁▁▁▁▇
# we'll use the drop_na() function, which will delete any row if it has at least one missing value (be careful when doing this in your own data cleaning)
z2 <- drop_na(z1)
## [1] 37286    18
# z2 is a small subset of the original dataset which contains i) no missing values, ii) only relevant variables for our model on retirement, and iii) a more manageable dataset size

Rescaling data

## age, years of education and income (thinc_m) have a big range, so let's rescale it to  between plus and minus 1
## scaling allows us to compare data that aren't measured in the same way
z4 <- z2 %>%
        mutate(ScaledAge = rescale(age,to=c(-1,1)))%>%
        mutate(income = rescale(thinc_m,to=c(-1,1)))
# z4 is now the working dataset, with 3 more (scaled) variables

## check what we have
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## -1.0000  0.4015  0.4885  0.5058  0.5993  1.0000
## check what variables we now have in the data
##  [1] "female"           "age"              "married"          "hhsize"          
##  [5] "vaccinated"       "books_age10"      "maths_age10"      "language_age10"  
##  [9] "childhood_health" "migrant"          "eduyears_mod"     "co007_"          
## [13] "thinc_m"          "eurod"            "country_mod"      "iv009_mod"       
## [17] "co007_mod"        "inc_bin"          "ScaledAge"        "EduYears"        
## [21] "income"
## let's look at the data just to see if there is anything observable at the start
## plot the first 100 observations
## we will use a pairs plot

# you can use the zoom function of the image if you're replicating this script locally (that way you can read the variable names).

## look more closely at migrant and vaccination (the others seem to have a good spread)
##     1 
## 37286
## there is only one value so no point in including it
## look at vaccination
##     0     1 
## 29839  7447

Select a subset of the data, including only relevant variables

z5 <- z4 %>%
            dplyr::select(female,married,hhsize,books_age10, maths_age10, language_age10, EduYears,eurod, country_mod,iv009_mod, inc_bin, co007_,co007_mod)

Notice that we create new datasets everytime we subset, instead of rewriting the old one. This is probably a good idea in case we need to take a step back.

To be able to work with the neuralnet package, it’s best to have dummy variables instead of one variable with various categories. So, let’s start that process:

## now change country to dummy variables
country <- as.factor(z5$country_mod)
cmat    <- model.matrix(~0+country)

The model.matrix() function takes a formula and a data frame (or similar structure) and returns a matrix with rows corresponding to cases and columns to predictor variables.

## add to z5
z5 <- cbind(z5,cmat)
##        female married hhsize books_age10 maths_age10 language_age10 EduYears
## 104741      1       0      2         -11         -11            -11      0.6
## 104757      0       1      2         -13         -13            -13      0.8
## 104788      0       1      2           1           1              1      0.3
## 104789      0       1      2         -13         -13            -13      0.3
## 104790      0       1      2         -11         -11            -11      0.3
## 104791      0       1      2         -13         -13            -13      0.3
##        eurod country_mod iv009_mod             inc_bin co007_ co007_mod
## 104741     0         276         4 (2.99e+04,9.98e+04]      4         4
## 104757     0         276         4      (-10,8.91e+03]      4         4
## 104788     1         276         5 (2.99e+04,9.98e+04]      4         4
## 104789     1         276         5 (2.99e+04,9.98e+04]      4         4
## 104790     2         276         5 (2.99e+04,9.98e+04]      4         4
## 104791     1         276         5 (1.85e+04,2.99e+04]      4         4
##        country250 country276 country380 country528 country616 country724
## 104741          0          1          0          0          0          0
## 104757          0          1          0          0          0          0
## 104788          0          1          0          0          0          0
## 104789          0          1          0          0          0          0
## 104790          0          1          0          0          0          0
## 104791          0          1          0          0          0          0
## [1] "data.frame"

To finalise the data preparation, let’s do some variable cleaning:

## fix level names of inc_bin
levels(z5$inc_bin) <- c("first","second","third","fourth")
##  [1] "female"         "married"        "hhsize"         "books_age10"   
##  [5] "maths_age10"    "language_age10" "EduYears"       "eurod"         
##  [9] "country_mod"    "iv009_mod"      "inc_bin"        "co007_"        
## [13] "co007_mod"      "country250"     "country276"     "country380"    
## [17] "country528"     "country616"     "country724"

  1. Model Preparation

This time around, we’re not using caret functions to split our data, or define our target and predictors. We’ll do this “manually”. The first thing we want to do, is create and object of the form [target ~ x1 + x2 + …+ xk]. This is how R reads target variables (on the left hand side of the squiggle) and predictors (on the right hand side of the squiggle and separated by + signs).

Prepare model

## now make the formula we want to estimate
myform0 <- paste(names(z5)[c(1:8,10,14:18)],collapse=" + ")
# the object myform0 contains all the predictor variables for our neural network model

myform <- paste( "co007_mod",c(myform0),sep=" ~ ")

all.equal(myform,myform0) # returns one mistmatch.
## [1] "1 string mismatch"
# myform includes the income variable as a predictor, so it's all our previous predictors + co007_mod (as target!)

## look at the formula to make sure we got what we wanted
## [1] "co007_mod ~ female + married + hhsize + books_age10 + maths_age10 + language_age10 + EduYears + eurod + iv009_mod + country250 + country276 + country380 + country528 + country616"

Data Split: train and test

## set the random seed so we can duplicate things if we want to 

# we're doing this manually, instead of using our trusted caret() package
trainRows <- sample(1:nrow(z5),0.8*nrow(z5)) # 80% of data to train
testRows  <- (1:nrow(z5))[-trainRows]

## now we have training data: trainz5; and testing data: testz5
trainz5   <- z5[trainRows,]
testz5    <- z5[testRows,]

Train our neural network model!


model <- neuralnet(
            myform, ## use the formula we defined above
            data = trainz5, ## tell it what data to use
            hidden=c(6), ## define the number and size of hidden layers: here we have one layer with 5 nodes in it
            linear.output = F, # F to show this is a classification problem (since our predictor is a factor) T returns a linear regression output. This also means that the (default) activation function is the sigmoid!
            stepmax = 1000000, ## how many iterations to use to train it (1 million, but it converges before that mark)
            lifesign="full",  ## get some output while it works
            algorithm = "rprop+", # it is a gradient descent algorithm "Resilient Propagation". 
            learningrate.limit = NULL,
            learningrate.factor =
                list(minus = 0.5, plus = 1.2),
            threshold = 0.01
## hidden: 6    thresh: 0.01    rep: 1/1    steps:    1000  min thresh: 1.22795192815468
##                                                    2000  min thresh: 0.408629618104168
##                                                    3000  min thresh: 0.255375732991587
##                                                    4000  min thresh: 0.255375732991587
##                                                    5000  min thresh: 0.206075288342767
##                                                    6000  min thresh: 0.181738092119449
##                                                    7000  min thresh: 0.142443872190076
##                                                    8000  min thresh: 0.108056969567729
##                                                    9000  min thresh: 0.0965760103945601
##                                                   10000  min thresh: 0.0924441234865121
##                                                   11000  min thresh: 0.0924441234865121
##                                                   12000  min thresh: 0.0924441234865121
##                                                   13000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   14000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   15000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   16000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   17000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   18000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   19000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   20000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   21000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   22000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   23000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   24000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   25000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   26000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   27000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   28000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   29000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   30000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   31000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   32000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   33000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   34000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   35000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   36000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   37000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   38000  min thresh: 0.0903834987550307
##                                                   39000  min thresh: 0.080031973683847
##                                                   40000  min thresh: 0.080031973683847
##                                                   41000  min thresh: 0.080031973683847
##                                                   42000  min thresh: 0.0781654073237371
##                                                   43000  min thresh: 0.077217534035844
##                                                   44000  min thresh: 0.077217534035844
##                                                   45000  min thresh: 0.0663306621049722
##                                                   46000  min thresh: 0.0663306621049722
##                                                   47000  min thresh: 0.0663306621049722
##                                                   48000  min thresh: 0.0663306621049722
##                                                   49000  min thresh: 0.0640628426880909
##                                                   50000  min thresh: 0.0549832161036877
##                                                   51000  min thresh: 0.0549832161036877
##                                                   52000  min thresh: 0.0549832161036877
##                                                   53000  min thresh: 0.0535065197695844
##                                                   54000  min thresh: 0.0451843906210169
##                                                   55000  min thresh: 0.0407706834064874
##                                                   56000  min thresh: 0.0407706834064874
##                                                   57000  min thresh: 0.0407706834064874
##                                                   58000  min thresh: 0.0407706834064874
##                                                   59000  min thresh: 0.0407706834064874
##                                                   60000  min thresh: 0.0398750949182902
##                                                   61000  min thresh: 0.0347740947416519
##                                                   62000  min thresh: 0.0347740947416519
##                                                   63000  min thresh: 0.0347740947416519
##                                                   64000  min thresh: 0.0333526116102184
##                                                   65000  min thresh: 0.0333526116102184
##                                                   66000  min thresh: 0.0333526116102184
##                                                   67000  min thresh: 0.0333526116102184
##                                                   68000  min thresh: 0.0333526116102184
##                                                   69000  min thresh: 0.0316000239700686
##                                                   70000  min thresh: 0.0306565221261171
##                                                   71000  min thresh: 0.0274365035081705
##                                                   72000  min thresh: 0.0274365035081705
##                                                   73000  min thresh: 0.026496818727535
##                                                   74000  min thresh: 0.026496818727535
##                                                   75000  min thresh: 0.026496818727535
##                                                   76000  min thresh: 0.026496818727535
##                                                   77000  min thresh: 0.026496818727535
##                                                   78000  min thresh: 0.026496818727535
##                                                   79000  min thresh: 0.026496818727535
##                                                   80000  min thresh: 0.026496818727535
##                                                   81000  min thresh: 0.0259845739797748
##                                                   82000  min thresh: 0.0259845739797748
##                                                   83000  min thresh: 0.0259845739797748
##                                                   84000  min thresh: 0.0240579990735271
##                                                   85000  min thresh: 0.0226252873882434
##                                                   86000  min thresh: 0.0226252873882434
##                                                   87000  min thresh: 0.0221455597930601
##                                                   88000  min thresh: 0.0221455597930601
##                                                   89000  min thresh: 0.0221455597930601
##                                                   90000  min thresh: 0.0221455597930601
##                                                   91000  min thresh: 0.0203603362622581
##                                                   92000  min thresh: 0.0200746219013495
##                                                   93000  min thresh: 0.0200746219013495
##                                                   94000  min thresh: 0.0200746219013495
##                                                   95000  min thresh: 0.0200746219013495
##                                                   96000  min thresh: 0.0200746219013495
##                                                   97000  min thresh: 0.0163554171793395
##                                                   98000  min thresh: 0.0163554171793395
##                                                   99000  min thresh: 0.0163554171793395
##                                                   1e+05  min thresh: 0.0151167048702273
##                                                  101000  min thresh: 0.0151167048702273
##                                                  102000  min thresh: 0.0151167048702273
##                                                  103000  min thresh: 0.0151167048702273
##                                                  104000  min thresh: 0.0151167048702273
##                                                  105000  min thresh: 0.0151167048702273
##                                                  106000  min thresh: 0.0151167048702273
##                                                  107000  min thresh: 0.0151167048702273
##                                                  108000  min thresh: 0.0151167048702273
##                                                  109000  min thresh: 0.0142885225751462
##                                                  110000  min thresh: 0.0142885225751462
##                                                  111000  min thresh: 0.0142885225751462
##                                                  112000  min thresh: 0.0142885225751462
##                                                  113000  min thresh: 0.0142885225751462
##                                                  114000  min thresh: 0.0142885225751462
##                                                  115000  min thresh: 0.0142455799962317
##                                                  116000  min thresh: 0.0142455799962317
##                                                  117000  min thresh: 0.0142455799962317
##                                                  118000  min thresh: 0.012107497406225
##                                                  119000  min thresh: 0.012107497406225
##                                                  120000  min thresh: 0.012107497406225
##                                                  121000  min thresh: 0.012107497406225
##                                                  122000  min thresh: 0.012107497406225
##                                                  123000  min thresh: 0.0108934985445289
##                                                  124000  min thresh: 0.0108934985445289
##                                                  125000  min thresh: 0.0108934985445289
##                                                  126000  min thresh: 0.0108934985445289
##                                                  127000  min thresh: 0.0108934985445289
##                                                  128000  min thresh: 0.0108934985445289
##                                                  129000  min thresh: 0.0108934985445289
##                                                  130000  min thresh: 0.0108934985445289
##                                                  131000  min thresh: 0.0108934985445289
##                                                  132000  min thresh: 0.0108934985445289
##                                                  133000  min thresh: 0.0108934985445289
##                                                  134000  min thresh: 0.0108934985445289
##                                                  135000  min thresh: 0.0108934985445289
##                                                  136000  min thresh: 0.0108934985445289
##                                                  137000  min thresh: 0.0101758648461206
##                                                  138000  min thresh: 0.0101758648461206
##                                                  139000  min thresh: 0.0101758648461206
##                                                  140000  min thresh: 0.0101758648461206
##                                                  141000  min thresh: 0.0101758648461206
##                                                  142000  min thresh: 0.0101758648461206
##                                                  143000  min thresh: 0.0101758648461206
##                                                  143866  error: 944.06645    time: 3.94 mins
# if you get an error, don't worry about it. It's not an issue for our estimation, and it indicates the last iteration (way before 1000000)

Now, let’s plot our neural network:


# notice that this is a vanilla network (no deep learning for us!).

Now it is time to test our model’s predictive abilities.

# use our fitted neural network to try to predict what the income states in our test data
pred <- predict(model,testz5)

As before, we will not use the caret package to call the ConfusionMatrix function, we’ll do all of it manually. We’ll have to manipulate the variables a little, to visualise the confusion matrix in a helpful way:

# add the levels from our target variable as labels (stored in an object)

myLabels <- levels(testz5$co007_mod)
pointPred <- max.col(pred) # find the index of the maximum value of my predictions
pointPred <- myLabels[pointPred] # add the labels (or column names from our predictions) 

# Now, we'll store the actual/observed values in an objext as well:
actual <- testz5$co007_mod
actual <- as.factor(as.integer(actual))
# Create the Confusion Matrix using the predicted, observed values and the labels
t1 <- table(actual,pointPred)

# voilà! manual confusion matrix!
##       pointPred
## actual    1    2
##      1   75   24
##      2    3   37
##      3  297 2020
##      4  220 4782

Now that we have a confusion matrix, we can analyse the performance of our neural network model.

# How many older people struggle to make ends meet?
##           1           2           3           4 
## 0.013274336 0.005363368 0.310673103 0.670689193
# about 28%... 

# How accurate is our model?

## [1] 0.01501743
# this returns the proportion of correct predictions! 
# 72% of correctly predicted income status
# so, our neural network model does relatively well in predicting whether older people / pensioneers struggle to make ends meet in selected European countries

If we recall from previous sessions, it is hard to have accurate predictions of that of which we have less (struggling older people)… look again at the confusion matrix: what do we see? the ratio of correct predictions for non-strugglers (2x2) is higher than for the strugglers (1x1).

Let’s remember what information we can obtain from a confusion matrix:

  • True Positives (TP): 134 (actual = 1, predicted = 1)

  • False Negatives (FN): 259 (actual = 1, predicted = 2)

  • False Positives (FP): 114 (actual = 2, predicted = 1)

  • True Negatives (TN): 870 (actual = 2, predicted = 2)

Based on these confusion matrix values (and the formulas provided in session 2: logistic classification), we can get our neural network model’s performance metrics:

  • Accuracy: 72.9%. (we got this above!). It is the proportion of true results regardless of the case.

  • Recall (Sensitivity): 34.09% (we might want to know this, since we’re trying to identify vulnerable elderly people). It is the proportion of correctly identified vulnerable cases. The formula (if you want to check yourself) is TP/(TP+FN) = 134/(134+259) = 0.340


# select the needed values from the confusion matrix t1
## [1] 0.7575758


How did we do? Neural networks are all the rage these days, it’s arguably the most famous machine learning algorithm. But don’t be fooled, it is still subject to the same data challenges as the rest of the algorithms we have explored so far.

Python practical

As always, start by opening the libraries that you’ll need to reproduce the script below.

Unfortunately, we are unable to share the dataset ourselves. However, if you wish to replicate this exercise at home (and use one of the many target variables that Robin has proposed to see how our model fares for those), you can request access to the dataset by creating an account with SHARE. You’ll need to specify this is for learning purposes, but you won’t be denied it. In the video, Robin tells you which waves of the panel he has used. For more information, you should go to the link: https://share-eric.eu/.

You’ll notice that today we’re focusing on European citizens. Even though Europe is considered the Global North and economically developed, social policies still play an important role in making sure its people enjoy a good standard of living. Today’s task is to create a predictive model for older citizens ready for retirement who struggle to make ends meet. We’ll use a neural network algorithm for this. This task will help policymakers in Europe plan for pension schemes and retirement policies.

Another important note: we’ll work with a clean subset of the data, prepared by Robin. The cleaning and preparation was done with R and you can take a look at the R practical in this page to see it. We won’t repeat the process in Python, since we hope that by now you have a general idea of how to to do data wrangling. We’ll jump straight to the task!

#==== Python version: 3.10.12 ====#

# Opening libraries

# scikit-learn
import sklearn as sk # our trusted Machine Learning library
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # split the dataset into train and test
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix, precision_score, recall_score, ConfusionMatrixDisplay # returns performance evaluation metrics
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier

# non-ML libraries
import numpy as np # a library for numeric analysis
import random # for random state 
import csv # a library to read and write csv files 
import pandas as pd # a library to help us easily navigate and manipulate dataframes
import seaborn as sns # a data visualisation library
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # a data visualisation library
from scipy.stats import randint # generate random integer
from graphviz import Digraph

# Uploading data

SHARE = pd.read_csv('/Users/michellegonzalez/Documents/GitHub/Machine-Learning-for-Public-Policy/SHARE_subset.csv')

  1. Overview of the data

Let’s take a quick look at what the dataset looks like.

# let's start with the general dimensions and variable names

## (6881, 19)
# and variable names (comma separated)

print(', '.join(SHARE.columns))
## Unnamed: 0, female, married, hhsize, books_age10, maths_age10, language_age10, EduYears, eurod, country_mod, iv009_mod, inc_bin, co007_, co007_mod, country250, country276, country380, country528, country724
# finally, missing values (best be sure!)

SHARE.isnull().sum() # this sums all missing values per vector/variable
## Unnamed: 0        0
## female            0
## married           0
## hhsize            0
## books_age10       0
## maths_age10       0
## language_age10    0
## EduYears          0
## eurod             0
## country_mod       0
## iv009_mod         0
## inc_bin           0
## co007_            0
## co007_mod         0
## country250        0
## country276        0
## country380        0
## country528        0
## country724        0
## dtype: int64

We have \(19\) variables and \(6,881\) observations and no missing values in the dataset. Let’s tackle the variables now: Unnamed:0 is an ID tag, nothing to worry about. Then, we’ve got some traditional variables in socioeconomic analysis: female (or gender), married (or marriage status) hhsize (household size), and a few indicators about the person’s educational past: books maths and language at age 10. These questions ask about a person’s reading, maths and language performance when they were 10 years old (arguably a good proxy for educational relevance in the household, and thus a predictor of future employment… but take this statement with a grain of very salty salt). EduYears directly asks how many years a person studied, formally. The next variables are quite interesting: eurod is a depression scale, country_mod indicates where in Europe the person lives (Spain 724; France 250; Italy 380; Germany 276; NL 528; Poland 616); similarly, the variables country* are dummies generated from the country_mod variable. And finally, the target variable(s): inc_bin was created by Robin, and it indicates whether a person is in the first, second, third, or fourth income quartile. We will work with co007_ and co007_mod (which was generated from the previous variable). Both variables refer to income struggles:

In the English Questionare of the SHARE dataset, the co007_ variable asks:

Thinking of your household's total monthly income, would you say that your household is able to make ends meet...

    1. With great difficulty 
    2. With some difficulty 
    3. Fairly easily 
    4. Easily

Which Robin then recoded into a binary variable that takes on the value 1 if the person struggles to make ends meet at 2 otherwise (co007_mod). By doing so, he’s turned the task into a simple classification model with neural networks.

  1. Data Split and Fit

# let's quickly look at the location of the relevant variables
## <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
## RangeIndex: 6881 entries, 0 to 6880
## Data columns (total 19 columns):
##  #   Column          Non-Null Count  Dtype  
## ---  ------          --------------  -----  
##  0   Unnamed: 0      6881 non-null   int64  
##  1   female          6881 non-null   int64  
##  2   married         6881 non-null   int64  
##  3   hhsize          6881 non-null   int64  
##  4   books_age10     6881 non-null   int64  
##  5   maths_age10     6881 non-null   int64  
##  6   language_age10  6881 non-null   int64  
##  7   EduYears        6881 non-null   float64
##  8   eurod           6881 non-null   int64  
##  9   country_mod     6881 non-null   int64  
##  10  iv009_mod       6881 non-null   int64  
##  11  inc_bin         6881 non-null   object 
##  12  co007_          6881 non-null   int64  
##  13  co007_mod       6881 non-null   int64  
##  14  country250      6881 non-null   int64  
##  15  country276      6881 non-null   int64  
##  16  country380      6881 non-null   int64  
##  17  country528      6881 non-null   int64  
##  18  country724      6881 non-null   int64  
## dtypes: float64(1), int64(17), object(1)
## memory usage: 1021.5+ KB

# X = female + married + hhsize + books_age10 + maths_age10 + language_age10 + EduYears + eurod + iv009_mod + country250 + country276 + country380 + country528 + country724

# Y = co007_mod 

X = SHARE.iloc[:, list(range(1, 9)) + [10] + list(range(14, 19))] # since our range is discontinuous, we've used a combination of list() and range() to indicate which elemenets from the larger dataset we want contained in X. Also note that range has a start (1 here, so the second position) and and end (with the same example, 9 here, 10th position). Whilst the start is inclusive, the end is exclusive. Which means that the range will only capture elements 1 through 8. That's why the second range works even though we only have 18 variables ;). 
y = SHARE.iloc[:, 13] # y is a vector containing our target variable, which is in position 13 of the dataframe

# Split data into train and test
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=12345) # random_state is for reproducibility purposes

Now, let’s fit a Neural Network model:

# Initialise the MLPClassifier (or Multilayer Perceptron Classifier).
# Despite the name indicating this type of neural network is used for deep learning, it can also be used for simpler classification "vanilla network" tasks

nn_mlp = MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=(6,), max_iter=100000, activation='logistic', solver='sgd', random_state=12345) # the solver we're using here is the stochastic gradient descent. This is not what we used in the R practical, but there's no equivalent with the scikit-learn package, so if you peak over there, you might find some differences :).

# Train the model
nn_mlp.fit(X_train, y_train)
MLPClassifier(activation='logistic', hidden_layer_sizes=(6,), max_iter=100000,
              random_state=12345, solver='sgd')
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# Predictions on the test dataset
# Something I haven't mentioned before is that the predictions are deterministic based on the random state from the initialised model
pred = nn_mlp.predict(X_test)

# Evaluation of overall the model
Accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, pred)
print(f"Overall Accuracy of our model: {Accuracy}, not bad!")
## Overall Accuracy of our model: 0.7080610021786492, not bad!

It seems like we’re relatively good at predicting wether an older European citizen struggles economically. However, let’s explore our model a little more. We’ll start by taking a look at the proportions of strugglers and non-strugglers (our target variable):

# recall that 1 is struggle and 2 is no struggle

SHARE['co007_mod'].value_counts(normalize=True) # when you set normalize = True, you get proportions. False gives you the counts
## 2    0.702514
## 1    0.297486
## Name: co007_mod, dtype: float64

So, about 29% struggle, and 70% do not. If we recall from previous sessions it is hard to have accurate predictions of that of which we have less… let’s plot a confusion matrix and evaluate the recall (sensitivity) of our model to see how good we are at predicting strugglers.

# visualising a confusion matrix

cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, pred)
print("Confusion Matrix:", cm)
## Confusion Matrix: [[ 42 381]
##  [ 21 933]]
ConfusionMatrixDisplay(confusion_matrix=cm).plot() # create confusion matrix plot
## <sklearn.metrics._plot.confusion_matrix.ConfusionMatrixDisplay object at 0x1710342b0>
plt.show() # display confusion matrix plot created above

So, the numbers have switched here: \(2\) is now \(1\) and \(1\) is now \(0\). Let’s have a trip back to memory lane and remember the values that a confusion matrix provides:

  • True Positives (TP): 42 (actual = 0, predicted = 0)

  • False Negatives (FN): 381 (actual = 0, predicted = 1)

  • False Positives (FP): 21 (actual = 1, predicted = 0)

  • True Negatives (TN): 933 (actual = 1, predicted = 1)

Based on these confusion matrix values (and the formulas provided in session 2: logistic classification), we can get our neural network model’s performance metrics.

Accuracy: 70%. (we got this above!). It is the proportion of true results regardless of the case. Recall (Sensitivity): 35.22% (we might want to know this, since we’re trying to identify vulnerable older people). It is the proportion of correctly identified vulnerable cases. The formula (if you want to check yourself) is TP/(TP+FN) = 42/(42+381) = 0.099.


print("Recall:", recall_score(y_test, pred))
## Recall: 0.09929078014184398


Neural networks are all the rage these days; it’s arguably the most famous machine learning algorithm. But don’t be fooled, it is still subject to the same data challenges as the rest of the algorithms we have explored so far. As you can see, we do pretty badly at predicting who struggles to make ends meet, even though the overall performance of our model was good.

Copyright © 2022 Michelle González Amador & Stephan Dietrich . All rights reserved.